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第11届南极研究科学委员会 (SCAR) 会议(Pucón, Chile)开启摘要提交
2024-02-20     发布:    点击:35

11th SCAR Open Science ConferenceCall for abstracts


SCAR and the Chilean Antarctic Institute are pleased to invite you to the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference, scheduled to take place in Pucón, Chile, from 19-23 August 2024.

Abstract submission for the 11th SCAR Open Science Conference is now open.

Abstracts can be submitted electronically via the conference website, www.scar2024.org. There is no abstract submission fee. Before submitting your abstract, take a look a look at the submission guidelines and list of 50 parallel sessions to find the best match. The parallel sessions cover a wide range of themes from the Physical Sciences, Geosciences, Life Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences as well as Cross-disciplinary topics. 

The abstract submission deadline is Monday, 4th March 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

The conference, themed "Antarctic Science: Crossroads for a New Hope" is hosted by the Chilean Antarctic Institute and comprises of a diverse programme featuring plenary lectures, mini-symposia, parallel sessions, panel discussions, posters, and various social and excursion opportunities in Pucón and its surroundings.

 Important dates

If you have any additional comments or would like to reach out to us, please write to us at osc@scar.org.

We look forward to seeing you in Pucón in 2024!

With best wishes,

The SCAR Open Science Conference Organising Team