院士大讲堂暨地球物理前沿论坛:Gregory A. Houseman院士学术报告通知

发布时间:2024-05-07     发布:【陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室】    点击:0

应陆内火山与地震教育部重点实验室、地球物理与信息技术学院邀请Gregory A. Houseman院士将与我校师生进行学术交流,并做学术报告。

报告人:Gregory A. Houseman

题目:Aspects of Continental Collision and Development of the Tibetan Plateau





The Tibetan Plateau has developed under the influence of the continental collision between India and Asia. The present day distribution of strain-rate in the region is well constrained by geodetic data and is well represented by a “thin viscous shell” (TVS) model of the lithosphere in which horizontal displacement is independent of depth, and horizontal forces are balanced within the lithospheric layer. A few major fault systems play an important role in focusing strain. The thermal and topographic evolution of the Tibetan lithosphere also appears to require that some form of convective instability has caused an overturn of the mantle lithosphere which has contributed to increase of elevation and episodes of volcanism during the past 25 Myr.

Gregory A. Houseman简介:

    Houseman 院士1981年在剑桥大学获得博士学位,1981年到1984年在哈佛大学地质学系从事博士后研究。先后就职于澳大利亚地球物理学院、澳大利亚莫纳什大学、英国利兹大学教授,目前为中国地质大学(北京)特聘教授。

    Houseman院士是国际著名的地球学家,其在地幔对流和板块运动导致大陆岩石圈发生大规模形变等方面研究成果卓越。2001年6月当选美国地球物理学会会士,2015年4月获得欧洲地球科学联盟奥古斯都·洛夫奖章,2015年7月当选欧洲科学院院士,2021年5月当选英国皇家学会院士。曾任国际地震学和地球内部物理学协会副主席,美国地球物理联盟构造物理学分会主席等。现任构造物理学(Tectonophysics)联合主编,英国皇家学会学报(A Proceedings of the Royal Society A)地球科学编辑等职。

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