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2015-02-01     发布:系统管理员    点击:4

    [1]蔡益栋, Cai, Y. D., Liu, D. M., Mathews, J. P., Pan, Z. J., Elsworth, D., Yao, Y. B., Li, J. Q. and Guo, X. Q.. Permeability evolution in fractured coal - Combining triaxial confinement with X-ray computed tomography, acoustic emission and ultrasonic techniques. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 122(): 91-104 [IF=3.313]

  [2]蔡益栋, Cai, Y. D., Liu, D. M., Yao, Y. B., Li, Z. T. and Pan, Z. J.. Partial coal pyrolysis and its implication to enhance coalbed methane recovery, Part I: An experimental investigation. Fuel, 2014, 132(): 12-19 [IF=3.406]

  [3]蔡益栋, Cai, Y. D., Pan, Z. J., Liu, D. M., Zheng, G. Q., Tang, S. H., Connell, L. D., Yao, Y. B. and Zhou, Y. F.. Effects of pressure and temperature on gas diffusion and flow for primary and enhanced coalbed methane recovery. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2014, 32(4): 601-619 [IF=0.953]

  [4]杜成亮, Du, C. L. and Yang, X. H.. HIGHLY SENSITIVE REFRACTIVE INDEX MEASUREMENT BASED AN A THINNED FIBER TAPER. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2014, 56(5): 1054-1057 [IF=0.623]

  [5]高达, Gao, D., Lin, C. S., Yang, H. J., Zuo, F. F., Cai, Z. Z., Zhang, L. J., Liu, J. Y. and Li, H.. Microfacies and depositional environments of the Late Ordovician Lianglitage Formation at the Tazhong Uplift in the Tarim Basin of Northwest China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2014, 83(): 1-12 [IF=2.831]

  [6]桂宝玲, Gui, B. L., He, D. F., Chen, W. J. and Zhang, W. J.. Migration of growth axial surfaces and its implications for multiphase tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Zhangwu fault depression, southern Songliao Basin, NE China. Journal of Geodynamics, 2014, 75(): 53-63 [IF=2.618]

  [7]郭晓茜, Guo, X. Q., Yao, Y. B. and Liu, D. M.. Characteristics of Coal Matrix Compressibility: An Investigation by Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(6): 3673-+ [IF=2.733]

  [8]胡景宏, Hu, J. H., He, S. L., Zhao, J. Z., Li, Y. M. and Zhao, Z. Z.. A Material Balance Equation for a Sour Gas Reservoir. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2014, 32(6): 712-719 [IF=0.33]

  [9]胡景宏, Hu, J. H., He, S., Zhao, J. Z., Li, Y. M. and Wang, X.. A Deliverability Equation in the Presence of Sulfur Deposition. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2014, 32(4): 402-408 [IF=0.33]

  [10]胡景宏, Hu, J. H., Zhao, J. Z., Wang, L., Meng, L. Y. and Li, Y. M.. Prediction model of elemental sulfur solubility in sour gas mixtures. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2014, 18(): 31-38 [IF=1.406]

  [11]荆铁亚, Jing, T. Y., Zhang, J. C., Mao, J. L., Li, W. J. and Jiang, S. L.. Geological controls and mechanism of shale gas and shale oil accumulations in Liaohe western depression, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2014, 32(3): 503-525 [IF=0.953]


  [13]鞠斌山, Ju, B. S.. Mathematical model and numerical simulation of multiphase-flow in permeable rocks considering diverse deformation. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2014, 119(): 149-155 [IF=1.096]

  [14]康志宏, Kang, Z.. Biological Treatment of Wastewater from Heavy Oil Recovery. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2014, 32(9): 1065-1071 [IF=0.33]

  [15]李涤, Li, D., He, D. F., Santosh, M. and Tang, J. Y.. Petrogenesis of Late Paleozoic volcanics from the Zhaheba depression, East Junggar: Insights into collisional event in an accretionary orogen of Central Asia. Lithos, 2014, 184(): 167-193 [IF=3.654]

  [16]李俊乾, Li, J. Q., Liu, D. M., Yao, Y. B., Cai, Y. D., Xu, L. L. and Huang, S. P.. Control of CO2 Permeability Change in Different Rank Coals during Pressure Depletion: An Experimental Study. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(2): 987-996 [IF=2.733]

  [17]李克文, Li, K. W., Hou, B. C., Wang, L. and Cui, Y.. Application of Carbon Nanocatalysts in Upgrading Heavy Crude Oil Assisted with Microwave Heating. Nano Letters, 2014, 14(6): 3002-3008 [IF=12.94]

  [18]李克文, Li, K. W., Shapiro, M., Horne, R. N., Ma, S. X., Hajari, A. and Mudhhi, M.. In situ estimation of relative permeability from resistivity measurements. Petroleum Geoscience, 2014, 20(1): 143-151 [IF=0.8]

  [19]李松, Li, S. and Tang, D. Z.. A comparative study of the characteristics of coalbed methane reservoirs in the Zhina region, Guizhou Province and the Southern Qinshui Basin, Shanxi Province, China. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology, 2014, 7(1): 95-113 [IF=0.429]

  [20]梁建龙, Liang, J. L., Tang, D. Z., Xu, H., Tao, S., Li, C. C. and Gou, M. F.. FORMATION CONDITIONS OF JIMUSAER OIL SHALE AT THE NORTHERN FOOT OF BOGDA MOUNTAIN, CHINA. Oil Shale, 2014, 31(1): 19-29 [IF=0.838]

  [21]孟艳军, Meng, Y. J., Tang, D. Z., Xu, H., Li, Y. and Gao, L. J.. Coalbed methane produced water in China: status and environmental issues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014, 21(11): 6964-6974 [IF=2.757]

  [22]宋兆杰, Song, Z. J., Li, Z. P., Wei, M. Z., Lai, F. P. and Bai, B. J.. Sensitivity analysis of water-alternating-CO2 flooding for enhanced oil recovery in high water cut oil reservoirs. Computers & Fluids, 2014, 99(): 93-103 [IF=1.532]

  [23]唐玄, Tang, X., Zhang, J. C., Wang, X. Z., Yu, B. S., Ding, W. L., Xiong, J. Y., Yang, Y. T., Wang, L. and Yang, C.. Shale characteristics in the southeastern Ordos Basin, China: Implications for hydrocarbon accumulation conditions and the potential of continental shales. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 128(): 32-46 [IF=3.313]

  [24]王磊, Wang, L., Wang, X. D., Zhang, H., Hu, Y. P. and Li, C.. A Semianalytical Solution for Multifractured Horizontal Wells in Box-Shaped Reservoirs. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, (): [IF=1.082]

  [25]伍岳, Wu, Y., Fan, T. L., Zhang, J. C., Jiang, S., Li, Y. F., Zhang, J. P. and Xie, C.. Characterization of the Upper Ordovician and Lower Silurian Marine Shale in Northwestern Guizhou Province of the Upper Yangtze Block, South China: Implication for Shale Gas Potential. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(6): 3679-+ [IF=2.733]

  [26]许浩, Xu, H., Tang, D. Z., Tang, S. H., Zhao, J. L., Meng, Y. J. and Tao, S.. A dynamic prediction model for gas-water effective permeability based on coalbed methane production data. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 121(): 44-52 [IF=3.313]

  [27]姚艳斌, Yao, Y. B., Liu, D. M. and Yan, T. T.. Geological and hydrogeological controls on the accumulation of coalbed methane in the Weibei field, southeastern Ordos Basin. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2014, 121(): 148-159 [IF=3.313]

  [28]由庆, You, Q., Tang, Y. C., Dai, C. L., Zhao, M. W. and Zhao, F. L.. A Study on the Morphology of a Dispersed Particle Gel Used as a Profile Control Agent for Improved Oil Recovery. Journal of Chemistry, 2014, (): [IF=]

  [29]于兴河, Yu, X. H., Wang, J. Z., Liang, J. Q., Li, S. L., Zeng, X. M. and Li, W.. Depositional characteristics and accumulation model of gas hydrates in northern South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2014, 56(): 74-86 [IF=2.469]

  [30]张凡, Zhang, F., She, Y. H., Banat, I. M., Chai, L. J., Yi, S. J., Yu, G. M. and Hou, D. J.. Potential Microorganisms for Prevention of Paraffin Precipitation in a Hypersaline Oil Reservoir. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(2): 1191-1197 [IF=2.733]