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2012-02-01     发布:系统管理员    点击:7

  [1]B. S. Ju, Y. S. Wu and T. L. Fan.Study on fluid flow in nonlinear elastic porous media: Experimental and modeling approaches. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2011, 76(40606): 205-211

  [2]J. H. Hu, S. L. He, X. F. Yang, F. Wang and S. C. Wen.A Sulfur Plugging Experiment in the Presence of Ferric Ion. Petroleum Science and Technology, 2011, 29(1): 13-18

  [3]J. H. Hu, S. L. He, J. Z. Zhao, Y. M. Li and Y. Deng.Modeling of Sulfur Deposition Damage in the Presence of Irreducible Water. Petroleum Science and Technology,2011, 29(5): 499-505

  [4]Z. X. Jiang, H. Liu, S. W. Zhang, X. Su and Z. L. Jiang.Sedimentary characteristics of large-scale lacustrine beach-bars and their formation in the Eocene Boxing Sag of Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Sedimentology, 2011, 58(5): 1087-1112

  [5]Z. X. Jiang, J. Xu, Z. Y. Chen and W. Lin.Sedimentary systems and their influences on gas distribution in the second member and third member of the Permian Xiashihezi Formation in the Daniudi Gas Field, Ordos Basin, China. Energy Exploration & Exploitation,2011, 29(1): 59-75

  [6]Xu Hao, Tang Dazhen, Zhang Junfeng et al. Factors affecting the development of the pressure differential in Upper Paleozoic gas reservoirs in the Sulige and Yulin areas of the Ordos Basin, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2011(8): 103-111.

  [7]Wenlong Ding, Huan Wan, AiGuo Su , etal. Characteristics of Triassic marine source rocks and prediction of favorable hydrocarbon generation area in Qiangtang basin, Tibet. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 2011, 29(2): 143-160.

  [8]Y. B. Yao. Influences of igneous intrusions on coal rank, coal quality and adsorption capacity in Hongyang, Handan and Huaibei coalfields, North China. International Journal of Coal Geology,2011, 88(2-3): 135-146