



2006-2010:国家973 项目《中国西部典型叠合盆地盆山作用与复杂构造圈闭形成演化》(2006CB20230101 课题;




2008-2010 龙门山断裂带北段晚新生代走滑运动及其成因机制研究以青川断裂为例,自然科学基金40702036


Chuanxin Li, Dengfa He, Guo Lu, Kai Wen, Abijah Simon, and Yanpeng Sun. 2021. Multiple thrust detachments and their implications for hydrocarbon accumulation in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, southwestern China. 105(2):357-390.

Jinyou He, Xiaodi Pan, Shuangjian Li, Di Li, Xiaowan Tao, Bei Xu. 2021. Early Neoproterozoic continuous oceanic subduction along the northern margin of the Tarim Block: Insights from ca. 910-870 Ma arc-related magmatism in the Aksu area, NW China. Precambrian Research, 360, 106236. IF4.725

Di Li, Dengfa He, Min Sun and Lei Zhang. 2020. The role of Arc-Arc Collision in Accretionary Orogenesis: Iinsights From ~320Ma Tectono-sedimentary Transition in the Karamaili Area, NW China. Tectonics, 39, e2019TC005623.https://doi.org/10.1029/.

Dengfa He, Yongsheng Ma, Yingqiang Li, and Shunli Wu. 2019. New directions in an established gas play: Promising dolomite reservoirs in the Middle Triassic Leikoupo Formation of the Sichuan Basin, China. 103(1):1-29.

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Wenlong  Ding, Tailiang Fan, Bingsong Yu et al. Ordovician carbonate reservoir fracture characteristics and fracture distribution forecasting in the Tazhong Area of Tarim Basin,Northwest China[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering201286-8762-70.

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Fan Chun, Wang Gang, Wang Shifeng, and Erchie Wang. Structural Interpretation of Extensional Deformation along the Dali fault System, SE Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. International Geology Review, 2006, Vol.48(3), 287-310.

何登发,吴晓智,齐雪峰. 2013. 准噶尔盆地构造演化与油气聚集规律。北京:石油工业出版社.


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