序号 |
作者 |
题目 |
期卷页 |
发表期刊 |
影响因子 |
1 |
Wang Xusheng; Zhou Yangxiao |
Shift of annual water balance in the Budyko space for catchments with groundwater-dependent evapotranspiration |
2016, 20(9): 3673-3690 |
Hydrology And Earth System Sciences |
4.437 (SCI) |
2 |
Jiang Xiaowei; Wan Li; Ge Shemin; Cao Guoliang; Hou Guangcai; Hu Fusheng; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong; Liang Sihai |
A quantitative study on accumulation of age mass around stagnation points in nested flow systems |
2012, 48, W12502 |
Water Tesources Research |
4.397 (SCI) |
3 |
Wang Junzhi; Jiang Xiaowei; Wan Li; Worman Anders; Wang Heng; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong |
An analytical study on artesian flow conditions in unconfined-aquifer drainage basins |
2015, 51(10): 8658-8667 |
Water Resources Research |
4.397 (SCI) |
4 |
Jiang Xiaowei; Wan Li; Wang Junzhi; Yin Binxi; Fu Wenxiang; Lin Changhong |
Field identification of groundwater flow systems and hydraulic traps in drainage basins using a geophysical method |
2014, 41(8):2812-2819 |
Geophysica lResearch Letters |
4.253 (SCI) |
5 |
Shi Zheming; Wang Guangcai |
Aquifers switched from confined to semiconfined by earthquakes |
2016, 43(21): 11166-11172 |
Geophysical Research Letters |
4.253 (SCI) |
6 |
Qian Kaizhu; Wang Xusheng; Lv Jingjing; Wan Li |
The wavelet correlative analysis of climatic impacts on runoff in the source region of Yangtze River, in China |
2014, 34(6): 2019-2032 |
International Journal of Climatology |
3.76 (SCI) |
7 |
Chen Tianfei; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong; Jiao Jimmy Jiu; Wan Li |
Redistribution of groundwater evapotranspiration and water table around a well field in an unconfined aquifer: A simplified analytical model |
2013, 495: 162-174 |
Journal of hydrology |
3.483 (SCI) |
8 |
Yan Rui; Wang Guangcai; Shi Zheming |
Sensitivity of hydraulic properties to dynamic strain within a fault damage zone |
2016, 543: 721-748 |
Journal of Hydrology |
3.483 (SCI) |
9 |
Hou Lizhu; Wang Xusheng; Hu Bill X.; Shang Jie; Wan Li |
Experimental and numerical investigations of soil water balance at the hinterland of the Badain Jaran Desert for groundwater recharge estimation |
2016, 540: 386-396 |
Journal of Hydrology |
3.483 (SCI) |
10 |
Chen Tianfei; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong; Jiao Jimmy Jiu; Wan Li |
Redistribution of groundwater evapotranspiration and water table around a well field in an unconfined aquifer: A simplified analytical model |
2013, 500: 243-243 |
Journal of hydrology |
3.483 (SCI) |
11 |
Zhang Qian; Wang Guangcai; Sugiura Norio; Utsumi Motoo; Zhang Zhenya; Yang Yingnan |
Distribution of petroleum hydrocarbons in soils and the underlying unsaturated subsurface at an abandoned petrochemical site, North China |
2014, 04: 2185-2191 |
Hydrological Processes |
3.014 (SCI) |
12 |
Shi Zheming; Wang Guangcai |
Sustained groundwater level changes and permeability variation in a fault zone following the 12 May 2008, M-w 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake |
2015, 29(12): 2659-2667 |
Hhydrological Processes |
3.014 (SCI) |
13 |
Liu Yaping; Zhou Xun; Deng Zijuan; Fang Bin; Tsutomu Yamanaka; Zhao Jingbo; Wang Xiaocui |
Hydrochemical characteristics and genesis analysis of the Jifei hot spring in Yunnan, southwestern China |
2015, 53: 38-45 |
Geothermics |
2.553 (SCI) |
14 |
Wang Xiaocui; Zhou Xun; Zhao Jingbo; Zheng Yuhui; Song Chao; Long Mi; Chen Ting |
Hydrochemical evolution and reaction simulation of travertine deposition of the Lianchangping hot springs in Yunnan, China |
2015, 374: 62-75 |
Quaternary International |
2.199 (SCI) |
15 |
Gao Jing; Zhou Xun; Fang Bin; Li Ting; Tang Liwei |
U-series dating of the travertine depositing near the Rongma hot springs in northern Tibet, China, and its paleoclimatic implication |
2013, 298: 98-106 |
Quaternary International |
2.199 (SCI) |
16 |
An Ran; Jiang Xiaowei; Wang Junzhi; Wan Li; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong |
A theoretical analysis of basin-scale groundwater temperature distribution |
2015, 23(2): 397-404 |
Hydrogeology Journal |
2.109 (SCI) |
17 |
Wang Junzhi; Jiang Xiaowei; Wan Li; Wang Xusheng; Li Hailong |
An analytical study on groundwater flow in drainage basins with horizontal wells |
2014, 22(7): 1625-1638 |
HydrogeologyJournal |
2.109 (SCI) |
18 |
Wang Xusheng; Jiao Jimmy Jiu; Wang Ya; Cherry John A; Kuang Xingxing; Liu Kun; Lee Chunming; Gong Zhijun |
Accumulation and transport of ammonium in aquitards in the Pearl River Delta (China) in the last 10,000 years: conceptual and numerical models |
2013, 21(5): 961-976 |
Hydrogeology Journal |
2.109 (SCI) |
19 |
Liu Chenglong; Wang Guangca; Shi Zheming; Xu Yinju; Fang Huina; Wang Jinwei |
Tide-factor anomalies from observations of well level in the Sichuan Province prior to the great Wenchuan earthquake of 2008 |
2013, 63: 54-61 |
Journal Of Geodynamics |
1.806 (SCI) |
20 |
Zhao Jingbo; Zhou Xun; Yu Yuan; Ruan Chuanxia; Wang Xiaocui; Li Jingwei; Zhang Qingxiao; Shen Xiaowei |
Changes in fluid flux and hydraulic head in a geothermal confined aquifer |
2016, 75(5): 397 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
21 |
Zhou Xun |
Estimation of the position of the sharp interface in littoral aquifers with hydraulic head differences within the fresh-water zone |
2016, 75(2) |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
22 |
Rao Wenbo; Han Guilin; Tan Hongbing; Jiang Sun |
Chemical and Sr isotopic compositions of rainwater on the Ordos Desert Plateau, Northwest China |
2015, 74(7): 5759-5771 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
23 |
Zhou Xun; Jiang Changlong; Zhao Jingbo; Cao Qin; Han Jiajun; Wang Xiaocui |
Occurrence and resource evaluation of the subsurface high-K brines in the Pingluoba brine-bearing structure in western Sichuan Basin |
2015, 73(12): 8565-8574 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
24 |
Zhou Xun; Song Chao; Li Ting; Chen Ruige; Zhang Huan; Zhao Jingbo; Cao Qin |
Estimation of aquifer parameters using tide-induced groundwater level measurements in a coastal confined aquifer |
2015, 73(5): 2197-2204 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
25 |
Zhao Jingbo; Zhou Xun; Chen Ruige; Song Chao; Liu Yaping; Wang Xiaocui |
Influence of variation in temperature on groundwater flow nets in a geothermal system |
2015, 73(3): 1045-1056 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
26 |
Zhou Xun |
Determination of the distance of the fresh water-salt water interface extending into coastal confined aquifers |
2014, 71(3): 1311-1317 |
Environmental Earth Sciences |
1.569 (SCI) |
27 |
Zhan Yanhong; Guo Huaming; Wang Yu; Li Ruimin; Hou Chuntang; Shao Jingli; Cui Yali |
Evolution of groundwater major components in the Hebei Plain: Evidences from 30-year monitoring data |
2014, 25(3): 563-574 |
Journal of Earth Science |
0.975 (SCI) |
28 |
Ding Dahu; Lei Zhongfang; Yang Yingnan; Feng Chuanping; Zhang Zhenya |
Nickel Oxide Grafted Andic Soil for Efficient Cesium Removal from Aqueous Solution: Adsorption Behavior and Mechanisms |
2013, 05(20): 10151-10158 |
Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces |
7.504 (SCI) |
29 |
Huang Weiwei; Huang Wenli; Yuan Tian; Zhao Ziwen; Cai Wei; Zhang Zhenya; Lei Zhongfang; Feng Chuanping |
Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) production from swine manure through short-term dry anaerobic digestion and its separation from nitrogen and phosphorus resources in the digestate |
2016, 90: 344-353 |
Water Research |
6.942 (SCI) |
30 |
Hao Liting; Zhang Baogang; Tian Caixing; Liu Ye; Shi Chunhong; Cheng Ming; Feng Chuanping |
Enhanced microbial reduction of vanadium (V) in groundwater with bioelectricity from microbial fuel cells |
2015, 287: 43-49 |
Journal of Power Sources |
6.395 (SCI) |
31 |
Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Tong Shuang; Zheng Maosheng; Zhao Yinxin; Tian Caixing; Liu Hengyuan; Feng Chuanping |
Enhancement of bacterial denitrification for nitrate removal in groundwater with electrical stimulation from microbial fuel cells |
2014, 268: 423-429 |
Journal of Power Sources |
6.395 (SCI) |
32 |
Wang Zhijun; Zhang Baogang; Borthwick Alistair G. L.; Feng Chuanping; Ni Jinren |
Utilization of single-chamber microbial fuel cells as renewable power sources for electrochemical degradation of nitrogen-containing organic compounds |
2015, 280: 99-105 |
Chemical Engineering Journal |
6.216 (SCI) |
33 |
Li Yunlong; Zhang Baogang; Cheng Ming; Li Yalong; Hao Liting; Guo Huaming |
Spontaneous arsenic (III) oxidation with bioelectricity generation in single-chamber microbial fuel cells |
2016, 306: 8-12 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
6.065 (SCI) |
34 |
Ding Dahu; Lei Zhongfang; Yang Yingnan; Feng Chuanping; Zhang Zhenya |
Selective removal of cesium from aqueous solutions with nickel (II) hexacyanoferrate (III) functionalized agricultural residue-walnut shell |
2014, 270: 187-195 |
Journal of Hazardous Materials |
6.065 (SCI) |
35 |
Liu Hengyua; Chen Nan; Feng Chuanping; Tong Shuan; Li Rui |
Impact of electro-stimulation on denitrifying bacterial growth and analysis of bacterial growth kinetics using a modified Gompertz model in a bio-electrochemical denitrification reactor |
2017, 232: 344-353 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
36 |
Wang Guangyu; Zhang Baogang; Li Shuang; Yang Meng; Yin Changchen |
Simultaneous microbial reduction of vanadium (V) and chromium (VI) by Shewanella loihica PV-4 |
2017, 227: 353-358 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
37 |
Hao Liting; Zhang Baogang; Cheng Ming; Feng Chuanping |
Effects of various organic carbon sources on simultaneous V(V) reduction and bioelectricity generation in single chamber microbial fuel cells |
2016, 201: 105-110 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
38 |
Kong Zhe; Li Lu; Feng Chuanping; Chen Nan; Dong Shanshan; Hu Weiwu |
Soil infiltration bioreactor incorporated with pyrite-based (mixotrophic) denitrification for domestic wastewater treatment |
2015, 187: 14-22 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
39 |
Zhang Baogang; Wang Zhijun; Zhou Xiang; Shi Chunhong; Guo Huaming; Feng Chuanping |
Electrochemical decolorization of methyl orange powered by bioelectricity from single-chamber microbial fuel cells |
2015, 181: 360-362 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
40 |
Liu Hengyuan; Tong Shuang; Chen Nan; Liu Ying; Feng Chuanping; Hua Qili |
Effect of electro-stimulation on activity of heterotrophic denitrifying bacteria and denitrification performance |
2015, 196: 123-128 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
41 |
Zhang Baogang; Hao Liting; Tian Caixing; Yuan Songhu; Feng Chuanping; Ni Jinren; Borthwick Alistair G. L. |
Microbial reduction and precipitation of vanadium (V) in groundwater by immobilized mixed anaerobic culture |
2015, 192: 410-417 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
42 |
Zhang Baogang; Tian Caixing; Liu Ying; Hao Liting; Liu Ye; Feng Chuanping; Liu Yuqian; Wang Zhongli |
Simultaneous microbial and electrochemical reductions of vanadium (V) with bioelectricity generation in microbial fuel cells |
2015, 179: 91-97 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
43 |
Pu Jiaoyang; Feng Chuanping; Liu Ying; Li Rui; Kong Zhe; Chen Nan; Tong Shuang; Hao Chunbo; Liu Ye |
Pyrite-based autotrophic denitrification for remediation of nitrate contaminated groundwater |
2014, 173: 117-123 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
44 |
Tong Shuang; Chen Nan; Wang Heng; Liu Hengyuan; Tao Chen; Feng Chuanping; Zhang Baogang; Hao Chunbo; Pu Jiaoyang; Zhao Jiamin |
Optimization of C/N and current density in a heterotrophic/biofilm-electrode autotrophic denitrification reactor (HAD-BER) |
2014, 171: 389-395 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
45 |
Kong Zhe; Feng Chuanping; Chen Nan; Tong Shuang; Zhang Baogang; Hao Chunbo; Chen Kun |
A soil infiltration system incorporated with sulfur-utilizing autotrophic denitrification (SISSAD) for domestic wastewater treatment |
2014, 159: 272-279 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
46 |
Tong Shuang; Zhang Baogang; Feng Chuanping; Zhao Yingxin; Chen Nan;Hao Chunbo; Pu Jiaoyang; Zhao Liwei |
Characteristics of heterotrophic/biofilm-electrode autotrophic denitrification for nitrate removal from groundwater |
2013, 148: 121-127 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
47 |
Zhang Jing; Zhang Baogang; Tian Caixing; Ye Zhengfang; Liu Ye; Lei Zhongfang; Huang Wenli; Feng Chuanping |
Simultaneous sulfide removal and electricity generation with corn stover biomass as co-substrate in microbial fuel cells |
2013, 138(33): 198-203 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
48 |
Zhang Baogang; Zhang Jing; Yang Qi; Feng Chuanping; Zhu Yuling; Ye Zhengfang; Ni Jinren |
Investigation and optimization of the novel UASB-MFC integrated system for sulfate removal and bioelectricity generation using the response surface methodology (RSM) |
2012, 124: 1-7 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
49 |
Cai Wei; Zhang Baogang; Jin Yunxiao; Lei Zhongfang; Feng Chuanping; Ding Dahu; Hu Weiwu; Chen Nan; Suemura Takashi |
Behavior of total phosphorus removal in an intelligent controlled sequencing batch biofilm reactor for municipal wastewater treatment |
2013, 132: 190-196 |
Bioresource Technology |
5.651 (SCI) |
50 |
Li Yunlong; Zhan Baogang; Borthwick Alistair G. L.; Long Yujiao |
Efficient electrochemical oxidation of thallium (I) in groundwater using boron-doped diamond anode |
2016, 222: 1137-1143 |
Electrochimica Acta |
4.798 (SCI) |
51 |
Liu Huipeng; Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Wang Zhijun; Hao Liting
Continuous bioelectricity generation with simultaneous sulfide and organics removals in an anaerobic baffled stacking microbial fuel cell |
2015, 40(25): 8128-8136 |
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy |
3.582 (SCI) |
52 |
Zhang Baogang; Zhang Jing; Liu Ye; Hao Chunbo; Tian Caixing; Feng Chuanping; Lei Zhongfang; Huang Wenli; Zhang Zhenya |
Identification of removal principles and involved bacteria in microbial fuel cells for sulfide removal and electricity generation |
2013, 38(33): 14348-14355 |
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy |
3.582 (SCI) |
53 |
Liu Hui; Zhang Baogang; Xing Yi; Hao Liting |
Behavior of dissolved organic carbon sources on the microbial reduction and precipitation of vanadium(v) in groundwater |
2016, 6(99): 97253-97258 |
Rsc Advances |
3.108 (SCI) |
54 |
Li Jiaxin; Zhang Baogang; Song Qinan; Borthwick Alistair G. L. |
Enhanced bioelectricity generation of double-chamber air-cathode catalyst free microbial fuel cells with the addition of non-consumptive vanadium(V) |
2016, 6(39): 32940-32946 |
Rsc Advances |
3.108 (SCI) |
55 |
He Qiaochong; Feng Chuanping; Peng Tong; Chen Nan; Hu Qili; Hao Hao Chunbo |
Denitrification of synthetic nitrate-contaminated groundwater combined with rice washing drainage treatment |
2016, 95: 152-159 |
Ecological Engineering |
2.914 (SCI) |
56 |
Li Rui; Feng Chuanping; Chen Nan; Zhang Baogang; Hao Chunbo; Peng Tong; Zhu Xu |
A bench-scale denitrification wall for simulating the in-situ treatment of nitrate-contaminated groundwater |
2014, 73: 536-544 |
Ecological Engineering |
2.914 (SCI) |
57 |
Hou Lizhu; Wenninger Jochen; Shen Jiangen; Zhou Yangxiao; Bao Han; Liu Haijun |
Assessing crop coefficients for Zea mays in the semi-arid Hailiutu River catchment, northwest China |
2014, 140: 37-47 |
Agricultural Water Management |
2.848 (SCI) |
58 |
Sun Huaiwei; Tong Juxiu; Luo Wenbing; Wang Xiugui; Yang Jinzhong |
Simplified continuous simulation model for investigating effects of controlled drainage on long-term soil moisture dynamics with a shallow groundwater table |
2016, 23(15): 15565-15573 |
Environmental Science And Pollution Research |
2.914 (SCI) |
59 |
Huang Weiwei; Zhang Baogang; Li Miao; Chen Nan; Feng Chuanping; Zhang Zhenya |
An electrochemical process intensified by bipolar iron particles for nitrate removal from synthetic groundwater |
2013, 17(4): 1013-1020 |
Journal Of Solid State Electrochemistry |
2.316 (SCI) |
60 |
Xu Bin; Zhang Baogang; Li Miao; Huang Weiwei; Chen Nan; Feng Chuanping; Yao Lijun |
Production of reducing sugars from corn stover by electrolysis |
2014, 44(7): 797-806 |
Journal of Applied Electrochemistry |
2.235 (SCI) |
61 |
Zhou Xun; Song Chao; Li Ting |
Estimation of the inland extending length of the freshwater-saltwater interface in coastal unconfined aquifers |
2016, 61(13): 2367-2375 |
Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques |
2.222 (SCI) |
62 |
Hou Lizhu; Zhou Yangxiao; Bao Ha; Wenninger Jochen |
Simulation of maize (Zea mays L.) water use with the HYDRUS-1D model in the semi-arid Hailiutu River catchment, Northwest China |
2017, 62(1): 93-103 |
Hydrological Sciences Journal-Journal Des Sciences Hydrologiques |
2.222 (SCI) |
63 |
Chen TianFei; Wang XuSheng; Wan Li; Li Hailong |
Analytical Solutions of Travel Time to a Pumping Well with Variable Evapotranspiration |
2014, 52(3): 446-473 |
Groundwater |
2.067 (SCI) |
64 |
Gong Yanping; Wang Xusheng; Hu B. Xiao; Zhou Yangxiao; Hao Chunbo; Wan Li |
Groundwater contributions in water-salt balances of the lakes in the Badain Jaran Desert, China |
2016, 8(5): 694-706 |
Journal of Arid Land |
1.796 (SCI) |
65 |
Hou, Lizhu; Xu Xue; Song Yiran; Fen Chuanping |
A two-stage soil infiltration system incorporated with heterotrophic denitrification (TSISHD) for urban runoff treatment |
2016, 47(1): 128-136 |
Hydrology Research |
1.754 (SCI) |
66 |
Hou Lizhu; Zhang Xin |
Comparing urban runoff quality of a felt roof and an asphalt road in Beijing |
2014, 45(2): 282-291 |
Hydrology Research |
1.754 (SCI) |
67 |
Liu Ye; Zhang Baogang; Tian Caixing; Feng Chuanping; Wang Zhijun; Cheng Ming; Hu Weiwu |
Optimization of enhanced bioelectrical reactor with electricity from microbial fuel cells for groundwater nitrate removal |
2016, 37(8): 1008-1017 |
Environmental Technology |
1.751 (SCI) |
68 |
Zhao Dan; Wang GuangCai |
Removing barometric pressure effects from groundwater level and identifying main influential constituents |
2013, 56(1): 129-136 |
Science China-technological Sciences |
1.719 (SCI) |
69 |
Ye Zhengfang; Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Wang Zhongyou; Tian Caixing |
Continuous electricity generation with piggery wastewater treatment using an anaerobic baffled stacking microbial fuel cell |
2015, 55(8): 2079-2087 |
Desalination And Water Treatment |
1.631 (SCI) |
70 |
Zhang Jianmei; Hao Chunbo; Feng Chuanping; Hao Huiling; Zhang Baogang; Lei Zhongfang |
Effect of phosphate rock on denitrification in a nitrate-polluted groundwater remediation system |
2015, 54(1): 265-274 |
Desalination and Water Treatment |
1.631 (SCI) |
71 |
Ye Zhengfang; Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Zhang Jing; Wang Zhongyou; Bi Haitao |
A bibliometric investigation of research trends on sulfate removal |
2014, 52(31-33): 6040-6049
Desalination And Water Treatment |
1.631 (SCI) |
72 |
Hou Lizhu; Yang Huan; Li Ming |
Removal of chemical oxygen demand and dissolved nutrients by a sunken lawn infiltration system during intermittent storm events |
2014, 69(2): 398-406 |
Water Science And Technology |
1.197 (SCI) |
73 |
Hou Lizhu; Liu Fang; Feng Chuanping; Wan Li |
Efficiencies of multilayer infiltration systems for the removal of urban runoff pollutants |
2013, 67(8): 1851-1858 |
Water Science And Technology |
1.197 (SCI) |
74 |
Jiang Wanjun; Wang Guangcai; Sheng Yizhi; Zhao Dan; Liu Chenglong; Guo Yonghai |
Enrichment and Sources of Nitrogen in Groundwater in the Turpan-Hami Area, Northwestern China |
2016, 8(3): 389-400 |
Exposure And Health |
1.143 (SCI) |
75 |
Zhou Xun; Shen Ye; Zhang Hua; Song Chao; Li Jingwei; Liu Yan
Hydrochemistry of the natural low pH groundwater in the coastal aquifers near Beihai, China |
2015, 14(3): 475-483 |
Journal of Ocean University of China |
0.601 (SCI) |
76 |
Hou Lizhu; Shang Jie; Liu Jiangtao; Lu Haiyuan; Qi Zhiming |
Soil water movement under a drip irrigation double-point source |
2015, 15(5): 924-932 |
Water Science and Technology-Water Supply |
0.573 (SCI) |
77 |
Li Jiaxin; Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Huang Wenli |
Global research trends on membrane biological reactor (MBR) for wastewater treatment and reuse from 1982 to 2013 A bibliometric analysis |
2016, 34(6): 945-957 |
Electronic Library |
0.484 (SCI) |
78 |
Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Huang Wenli; Li Jiaxin; Feng Chuanping; Hu Weiwu |
mapping of hexavalent chromium removal research: a bibliometric analysis of research outputs from 1975 to 2012 |
2015, 24(12C): 4834-4841 |
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin |
0.425 (SCI) |
79 |
Zhang Baogang; Liu Ye; Tian Caixing; Wang Zhijun; Cheng Ming; Chen Nan; Feng Chuanping |
A bibliometric analysis of research on upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) from 1983 to 2012 |
2014, 100(1): 189-202 |
Scientometrics |
2.147 (SCI) |
80 |
Huang Weiwei; Feng Chuanping; Zhang Baogang |
Nitrate reduction in an intensified electrochemical system: Effects of different metallic particles |
2013, 610-613: 1290-1295 |
Advanced Materials Research |
(EI) |
序号 |
发表人 |
题目 |
年期页 |
期刊 |
1 |
任燕; 郭华明 |
粒状人造菱铁矿及其吸附As(Ⅴ)的特征 |
2012, 09: 3011-3018 |
环境工程学报 |
2 |
张丽娜; 郝春博; 王丽华; 李思远; 冯传平 |
安徽某铁矿酸性矿山废水中真核生物的群落结构特征 |
2012, 07: 875-884 |
微生物学报 |
3 |
郭帅; 周训; 吴旸; 方斌; 赵敬波; 刘东林 |
模拟温泉形成的一种管道渗流实验 |
2012, 03: 620-626 |
现代地质 |
4 |
代天娇; 彭彤; 陶晨; 吴俊延; 郭华明; 赵凯 |
天然锰砂去除水中的砷 |
2013, 01: 58-64 |
环境工程学报 |
5 |
赵丹; 王广才 |
地下水位气压效应的消除及主要气压影响分波的识别 |
2013, 01: 79-86 |
中国科学:技术科学 |
6 |
董佩王; 旭升; 万力; 匡星星; 陈添斐 |
地下水位升降与空气流耦合的砂柱实验及其模拟 |
2013, S1: 126-132 |
地球科学(中国地质大学学报) |
7 |
郭华明; 郭琦; 贾永锋; 刘泽云; 姜玉肖 |
中国不同区域高砷地下水化学特征及形成过程 |
2013, 03: 83-96 |
地球科学与环境学报 |
8 |
吴旸; 郭华明; 韩双宝; 张福存 |
宁南西吉含水层沉积物的氟释放特征 |
2013, 05: 117-123 |
水文地质工程地质 |
9 |
李思远; 郝春博; 王丽华; 吕铮; 张丽娜; 刘莹; 冯传平 |
酸性矿山废水区域废矿石中真核生物多样性分析 |
2013, 10: 4105-4111 |
环境科学 |
10 |
王丽华; 吕铮; 郝春博; 王广才; 石萍 |
某石油污染场地地下水中降解菌群落结构研究 |
2013, 07: 1-8+146 |
环境科学与技术 |
11 |
李海龙; 宋金颖; 万力; 柳富田 |
承压含水层井孔储存效应对气压波动引起的井孔水位波动的影响 |
2013, 04: 1-6 |
水文地质工程地质 |
12 |
董佩; 王旭升; 万力; 陈添斐 |
砂柱排水真空阻滞效应的试验和动力学解释 |
2013, 06: 1661-1667 |
岩土力学 |
13 |
宋超; 赵敬波; 陈瑞阁; 张欢; 李婧玮 |
利用不对称的地下水位潮汐波动确定滨海 含水层参数 |
2013, 06: 1471-1476 |
现代地质 |
14 |
陈瑞阁; 周训; 宋超; 张欢; 肖锐 |
海潮引起有越流的滨海承压含水层地下水头变化的数值模拟 |
2013, 06: 1465-1470 |
现代地质 |
15 |
韩佳君; 周训; 姜长龙; 胡良君; 方斌; 孙琦 |
柴达木盆地西部地下卤水水化学特征及其 起源演化 |
2013, 06: 1454-1464 |
现代地质 |
16 |
包含; 侯立柱; 沈建根; 郑涵; 张馨 |
毛乌素沙地农田土壤水分动态特征研究 |
2014, 11: 1301-1309 |
中国生态农业学报 |
17 |
龙汨; 周训; 李婷; 王晓翠; 唐丽伟; 陈婷; 郭帅 |
北京延庆县松山温泉的特征与成因 |
2014, 05: 1053-1060 |
现代地质 |
18 |
田彩星; 张宝刚; 刘晔; 冯传平; 胡伟武 |
微生物燃料电池同步还原五价钒并产电 |
2014, 06: 716-719 |
中国科技论文 |
19 |
侯立柱; 赵航 |
双点源滴灌条件下的土壤水分运移特征 |
2014, 04: 67-72 |
中国水土保持科学 |
20 |
郭华明; 倪萍; 贾永锋; 郭琦; 姜玉肖 |
原生高砷地下水的类型、化学特征及成因 |
2014, 04: 1-12 |
地学前缘 |
21 |
王丽华; 郝春博; 李思远; 王广才 |
安徽某铁矿排土场废矿石中细菌群落分子生态学研究 |
2014, 04: 199-209 |
地学前缘 |
22 |
马倩; 李海龙 |
变异Henry问题检验网格Peclet数在数值计算中的重要性 |
2014, 03: 1-5 |
水文地质工程地质 |
23 |
童菊秀; 刘洋; 孙怀卫 |
土壤中Cr(Ⅵ)的地表径流迁移试验研究 |
2014, 03: 271-276 |
排灌机械工程学报 |
24 |
李云龙; 张宝刚; 程铭; 周顺桂 |
微生物燃料电池技术治理重金属污染的研究进展 |
2015, S1: 254-258 |
环境科学与技术 |
25 |
周训; 曹琴; 尹菲; 郭娟; 王晓翠; 张永帅; 王黎栋; 沈晔 |
四川盆地东部高褶带三叠系地层卤水和温泉的 地球化学特征及成因 |
2015, 11: 1908-1920 |
地质学报 |
26 |
周晓倩; 郭华明; 赵凯 |
改性天然菱铁矿去除水中六价铬 |
2015, 09: 4171-4177 |
环境工程学报 |
27 |
吴起鑫; 韩贵琳; 李富山; 唐杨 |
珠江源区南、北盘江丰水期水化学组成特征及 来源分析 |
2015, 07: 1289-1296 |
环境化学 |
28 |
曹学龙; 张宝刚; 王志俊; 周顺桂; 施春红 |
微生物脱盐池性能提升及应用的研究进展 |
2015, 07: 7-10+16 |
水处理技术 |
29 |
杨苗林; 周训; 王晓翠; 任振华; 郑玉慧; 李晓露; 沈晔 |
云南云龙和兰坪地区温泉中游离二氧化碳特征 |
2015, 04: 156-163 |
水文地质工程地质 |
30 |
李绍竑; 李海龙 |
推导Boussinesq方程的一种新方法 |
2015, 04: 8-11 |
水文地质工程地质 |
31 |
曹琴; 周训; 张欢; 陈婷; 张永帅; 王黎栋; 黄熙; 沈晔 |
四川盆地卧龙河储卤构造地下卤水的水化学 特征及成因 |
2015, 05: 990-997 |
地质通报 |
32 |
张竞; 王旭升; 胡晓农; 卢会婷; 巩艳萍; 万力 |
巴丹吉林沙漠地下水流场的宏观特征 |
2015, 03: 774-782 |
中国沙漠 |
33 |
周训; 曹琴; 王晓翠; 沈晔; 张永帅; 尹菲; 杨雪 |
非稳定井流解析法评价深层地下富钾卤水 可采资源量 |
2015, 02: 1-3 |
地下水 |
34 |
郭华明; 倪萍; 贾永锋; 张波; 张扬 |
内蒙古河套盆地地表水-浅层地下水化学特征 及成因 |
2015, 02: 229-237 |
现代地质 |
35 |
陈添斐; 王旭升; 胡晓农; 卢会婷; 巩艳萍 |
巴丹吉林沙漠盐湖跃层对地下淡水排泄的 指示作用 |
2015, 01: 183-189 |
湖泊科学 |
36 |
刘晔; 张宝刚; 田彩星; 冯传平; 周向; 刘永伟 |
微生物燃料电池与常规污水处理技术结合的 研究进展 |
2014, 05: 586-593 |
世界科技研究与发展 |
37 |
赵威光; 郭华明; 张莉; 李晓露; 孙健; 易升泽 |
河套平原沉积物中铀的赋存形态及其与地下水 铀浓度的关系 |
2015, 02: 24-30+37 |
水文地质工程地质 |
38 |
吴秀杰; 童菊秀; 谭超群 |
土壤Cr(Ⅵ)在非线性Langmuir吸附条件下的径流流失试验与模拟 |
2015, 01: 146-152 |
农业工程学报 |
39 |
张迪; 郭华明; 倪萍; 吴旸 |
氧化还原条件对地下水中砷释放迁移的影响——以通榆县高砷地下水为例 |
2014, 05: 1072-1081 |
第四纪研究 |
40 |
周训; 曹琴; 李双鹏; 王黎栋; 黄熙; 张永帅; 尹菲 |
重庆巫溪县宁厂盐泉的形成 |
2014, 05: 1036-1043 |
第四纪研究 |
41 |
李付兰; 倪萍; 郭华明; 曹永生; 张迪 |
松嫩平原含水层沉积物特征及其对砷赋存态分布的影响 |
2015, 01: 101-110 |
地球科学与环境学报 |
42 |
李婷; 周训; 龙汨; 王晓翠; 陈婷; 李婧玮; 杨苗林 |
射气-闪烁法测定地下热水的镭-226和氡-222 浓度 |
2014, 04: 127-133 |
地球科学与环境学报 |
43 |
杨瑞; 童菊秀; 魏文硕; 李佳韵; 张效苇 |
土壤中氮磷流失试验研究 |
2016, 08: 9-15 |
灌溉排水学报 |
44 |
张效苇; 童菊秀; 魏文硕 |
Cr(Ⅵ)在碱性土壤中的吸附解吸规律的研究 |
2016, 09: 181-186 |
中国农村水利水电 |
45 |
魏文硕; 童菊秀; 杨瑞; 张效苇; 李佳韵 |
模拟降雨条件下土壤溶质迁移规律试验研究 |
2016, 09: 168-173 |
中国农村水利水电 |
46 |
李佳韵; 童菊秀; 夏传安; 朱昊; 袁永坤 |
降雨条件下农田氮素地表径流流失特征研究 |
2016, 07: 8-15 |
灌溉排水学报 |
47 |
朱昊; 童菊秀; 夏传安; 李佳韵; 胡晓农; 袁永坤 |
农田地表径流总磷流失特性 |
2016, 08: 709-714+736 |
排灌机械工程学报 |
48 |
杨盟; 张宝刚; 王志俊; 施春红 |
微生物燃料电池处理印染废水与同步产电研究进展 |
2016, 08: 11-14+22 |
水处理技术 |
49 |
毛若愚; 郭华明; 贾永锋; 姜玉肖; 曹永生; 赵威光; 王振 |
内蒙古河套盆地含氟地下水分布特点及成因 |
2016, 02: 260-268 |
地学前缘 |
序号 |
著作题目 |
所有作者 |
出版单位 |
出版时间 |
出版地 |
1 |
地下水科学概论 |
周训;胡伏生;何江涛;王旭升;方斌 |
地质出版社 |
2014 |
国内 |
9787116087606 |
2 |
区域地下水流理论进展 |
蒋小伟;万力;王旭升 |
地质出版社 |
2013 |
国内 |
9787116081369 |
3 |
三峡工程地下电站厂房岩石块体研究 |
夏露;于青春 |
中国水利水电出版社 |
2015 |
国内 |
9787-7-5170-3760-6 |
4 |
道与器:中国人保财险灾害研究基金 项目成果汇编 |
孙即超 |
首都经济贸易大学 出版社 |
2014 |
国内 |
9787563822065 |
5 |
基于过程单元模型参数替代防污性能评价方法研究:以北京市平原区为例 |
何江涛;张昕(学) |
地质出版社 |
2012 |
国外 |
978-7-116-07617-4 |
6 |
案例分析解析 |
张焕祯;匡颖;刘威(外) |
化学工业出版社 |
2016 |
国内 |
978-7-122-25972-1 |
7 |
农田土壤水分运移转化规律与作物-水分响应机理研究 |
李娜 |
科学出版社 |
2013 |
国内 |
8 |
Degradation of Some Secondary Metabolites in Aquatic Environment |
薛强 |
Lambert Academic Publishing |
2012 |
国外 |
978-3-659-15457-7 |
9 |
Data Assimilation Application to the Subsurface Flow and Solute Transport |
童菊秀 |
Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing |
2012 |
国外 |
1249064546 |
10 |
Evolution of Groundwater Quality and Contaminants Transport Modeling |
Alfa-Sika Mande Seyf-Laye(学); 陈鸿汉;刘明柱 |
Lambert Academic Publishing |
2013 |
国外 |
978-3-659-44521-7 |
11 |
DZ/T 0290-2015《地下水水质标准》解读 |
文冬光(外);何江涛;孙继朝(外); 林良俊(外) |
地质出版社 |
2016 |
国内 |
978-7-116- 09662-2 |
12 |
地下水污染风险源识别与防控区划技术 |
李广贺(外);赵勇胜(外);何江涛; 张旭;金爱芳 |
2015 |
国内 |
9787511114273 |
13 |
环境影响评价-技术方法 |
环境保护部环境工程评估中心(外);刘明柱 |
中国环境出版社 |
2013 |
国内 |
978-7-5111-2227-8 |
14 |
矿区岩土侵蚀控制及水资源利用 |
白中科;吕春娟;王金满;武雄;徐能雄 |
中国大地出版社 |
2012 |
国内 |
978-7-80246-539-8 |
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